Technical Considerations

What software will you use to complete your Comic, Children’s Book and Website?
I will be using Photoshop, Audition and, Photoshop will allow me to create the images and animations for my comic and children’s book and Audition will allow me to record and collect the sounds for my comic and children’s book.
Are you going to work in RGB or CMYK? Why? (explain what both of these are and include visual examples)
For any work that will be printed out I will be using RGB while working on it, this is because working on a screen will always use RGB because it is an additive process where colour is added to the pixels on screen to create white


However, any work that will be printed out must be printed out using CMYK, this is because CMYK is a deductive process where white is taken away from an image.


Are you going to work in 300ppi or 72ppi? Why? (explain what PPI means – and not the insurance!)
I will be producing all of my work in 300 pixels per inch (PPI) this is because 300 PPI means that there will be 300 pixels for every inch of the image, this will make the image higher quality.


The reason for using 300 PPI over 72 PPI is because 72 PPI will have a noticeable drop in quality compared to 300 PPI, this is why printed work is always at 300 PPI, otherwise the individual pixels will be far more noticeable.


Although screens only require 72 PPI, it is better to still work at 300 PPI, this is because it can later be scaled down to 72 PPI and not loose any quality.


Scaling down should always be done rather than scaling up, this is because scaling up will stretch the colour from one pixel over to four pixels, this would mean that the pixels will be much easier to spot when up scaled. Scaling down will reduce the amount of information each pixel will have to display however it will not loose any of the quality.


Visual styles

I will be using a mix of Digital painting and Vector Graphics, this is because they are easy to use in Photoshop and they allow me to create backgrounds, objects and characters exactly how I would want them to come out.

Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 09.56.09

Technical Considerations

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